1995 Phase

Phase of the 1995 EIEL presents 15 statistical tables by geographical areas with basic data of water supply, sanitation and wastewater purification; Paving; public lighting; urban waste collection and Road network.

The information 1995 has as its territorial area municipalities under 50,000 inhabitants of all provinces except the Basque Country and Navarre. Are also missing, community deMadrid and Generalitat decataluña for not having done the survey at this stage, as well as the municipalities between 20,000 and 50,000 inhabitants of the province of Almería, for the same reason.

Cuadros estadísticos por Áreas Territoriales

Statistical tables for Territorial Areas

Provincias e Islas por Municipios 1995

Nacional por Provincias y Comunidades Autónomas

Nacional por Comunidades Autónomas